Selasa, 12 Februari 2008



Senggigi Beach
is to Lombok what Kuta Beach is to Bali. It is the most popular and becomes the tourist centre of the island. However, it is incomparable to what Bali is now, if anything, Senggigi Beach resembles the idyllic Kuta Beach in its heyday many years ago when it was beautiful beach, flanked by some losmens ( low-cost family-run pensions ) and restaurants.
Senggigi Beach is set in tropical greenery where palm trees are grown, and it is located in mountain background with scenic spectacles. Of an eye view, it is almost no property like three-four-five star hotels are standing there, it looks so quite and peaceful. It has beautiful beaches; fascinating sunset and coconut palm trees are completing the dream of a holiday land. Then in the afternoon, and even at early morning as you turn your eyes off the Lombok Strait there would be hundreds of sailing boats on their way to fishing and home after their night in the ocean. All these are what Senggigi Beach is for you.

Lombok has lots of smaller islands, which are sparkling along its coastal boundary. To the north, Gili Terawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air, are the favourite islands providing white sandy beaches, clear crystal water, beautiful marine life, and colourful coral and fish.
More islands are located to the southwest of
Lombok, namely Gili Nanggu, Gili Genting, Gili Gede, Gili Layar, Gili Poh, Gili Lampu, Gili Sudak and many others, are all unspoilt islands. Some islands are also located off the south coast and the eastern tip of Lombok.

Pura Meru is the largest
Hindu Temple in Lombok and it is dedicated to the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Shiva and Wisnu. The Pura symbolises the universe and has three courts. The first one is the hall with 'Bale Kul-Kul' a wooden bell beaten to call the Hindu people from the surrounding areas to ceremony. The second court is provided with two buildings where people may arrange their offerings such as fruits and flowers. The innermost is the centre court where three Merus and thirty-three smaller shrines are available. It is located in Cakranegara, and it was built in 1720.

It is one part of the Royal Court of the former
Balinese Kingdom in Lombok and was built in 1744. It is situated close to Pura Meru in Cakranegara. The house in the middle of a large pond is called 'Bale Kambang' or the Floating House and was both a court of justice and a place of meeting for the Hindu Lords.
At the Bale Kambang some hajj-like-statues were put representing the good co-operation amongst the two larger communities, the Sasak-Moslem and the Hindu-Balinese.
In the attempt to rule
Lombok, a Dutch colonial expedition came to Mayura to enforce their authority - General Van Ham the leader was killed here together with all of his men. His grave can still be seen at Karang Jangkong, Cakranegara.

This market is the re-present of the old Sweta Market. Proportionally as to what Sweta Market was, Mandalika Market remains the largest public market of
Lombok complete with all of its uniqueness. All kinds of Lombok product can be found here. Varied Lombok crops, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, clothes, kitchen utensils, agriculture-tools, almost anything, all arrange on its own stall and row depending on the sort of good to be sold. The grocers come from different part of the island and that also makes this market so interesting. Take your chance on listening them communicating one to another using our Sasak Language, you will be amazed - there are about 30 dialects of Sasak Language used on the island.
Mandalika Bird Market is located nearby; displaying various species rarely found nowadays, many are almost on the verge of extinction. This is an easy place to observe the bird treasury from the still existing faunas of
West Nusa Tenggara Province.

Narmada was a summer palace for the Royal Family of King Anak Agung Ngurah, was built in 1727. It is a good place to spend some time after the hectic life of town, having beautiful gardens and an artificial lake made for ritual purposes.
A sacred spring water called 'Tirta Amerta Padmawangi' or more well-known as 'Water of Eternity', is believed to have the effect of keeping one fresh and young, can be found at the centre of the Palace. A holy temple lies at the top of the area is dedicated to Shiva and is called Pura Kalasa.

The mountain resort, Suranadi, offers great freshness and is suitable as a recreational area. It has plenty of spring water and has a cold watered pool. The surrounding forest offers an opportunity to wander and enjoy the quite atmosphere of tropical greenery. In the outside yards of the hotel, exist the eels, which have been sanctified and may not be caught. Suranadi lies at some six kilometres from
Sesaot walking site can be found at two kilometres north of Suranadi. Golong Golf Course lies within ten minutes drive to the south. Also, Suranadi produces various kinds of fresh fruits - some fruit stalls are available just near-by the entrance of Suranadi Hotel. Suranadi is an ideal spot to have fun, sport and relaxation as well.

A traditional village situated at some seven kilometres north of
Narmada, whose people still practise the unique Sasak tradition and life-style. Some note that the people still follow the faith of Moslem Waktu Telu, a belief resulting from the influence of Hinduism on Islam.
An old mosque can still be found in the centre of the village, and is preserved in the original construction style. Sekepat or Sekenem pavilions are found mostly at the front of the local's traditional houses functioned as meeting places or guest receptions. And a Rumah Adat (traditional house) where the head of the village lives, is located at the centre of the village, and is regarded as symbols of unification of the entire area.

Lingsar Temple
is the most unique and holy temple found only on this fertile land of Lombok. It belongs to both the Hindu and the Moslem Waktu Telu. Some may consider this uniqueness is odd, but here it is natural and is regarded as the re-present or symbol of harmony amongst these faithful people.
There are two main praying places, one named Pura Gaduh erected for the Hindus, and Kemalik for the ones following the faith of Moslem Waktu Telu.
An artificial war called 'Perang Ketupat' held once a year somewhere between October to December - may be interpreted in various ways. One might say as thanks giving ceremony, or a ritual to bring rain and good harvest. Ketupat is boiled rice wrapped with palm leaves and is used as the weapons instead of arrows, keris dagger or spear.

Heroic patriotism remains alongside the history of Perang Puputan (suicide attack) as the last battle between the Dutch General, Van der Petter, with his troops and the King of Lombok Anak Agung Nengah with his followers (November 22, 1894). The battle, fought on the hill of Gunung Sari, was ended by the defeat of the King. A temple, known as Pura Gunung Sari, was erected on the hilltop as the witness of the tragedy. It is four kilometres from Mataram to the north.

As its name implies, Batu Bolong is marked by a large rock with a hole in it. The Pura (temple) on top of the rock, looks across
Lombok Strait to Bali where Mt. Agung towers over the horizon spiking the sky, is where the Hindu people come to make offering at certain time. The story told, is that, a long time ago one beautiful virgin was cased into the sea from the top of the rock; that is why, people say, the pura was built on the spot, and why many sharks petrol the water below to protect the holy place. When the weather is fine and the sky is clear, Batu Bolong is one of the best places to witness the amazing sunset of Lombok.

Approximately 6 kilometres to the South of Mataram lies Mt. Pengsong that offers visitors with scenic landscapes of it's surrounding. In fact this object is provided for the energetic, as we have to climb up to the top (in approximately ten to fifteen minutes) for the best rewards. Rice paddy fields, the surrounding villages and the entire towns of Ampenan, Mataram and Cakranegara can be viewed from this top. Besides when the weather is sunny day and the sky is clear, if you view to the West across the Lombok Strait there lies Mt. Agung of Bali. Some photography opportunists frequently took this spot for the best Lombok sunset. This place is regarded one of the sacred places for the Hindus, therefore on the very top of this hill was built one holy temple with few shrines. Some also note that the monkeys that live in this area was said to be the protector of this holy place.

Getap Traditional Blacksmith Village
is located at one kilometre to the South of Cakranegara. Manual labours such as pounding and hammering, blowing coal-fire with traditional air pump, heavy-sweats and the noise of bang-bang, are apart of daily routines to be found in this village. Some said that the people who become the blacksmiths of this area has been rewarded this particular job by the former Balinese King of Lombok. This talent then was inherited to the following generations. In the old time these people used to produce war-supplies, but mostly nowadays they produce all kinds of agriculture tools and daily utensils for family-houses. One thing we proud of these people are that most of them become the re-cycle agents of any wasted metal materials of cars and industries. This is in agreement to our views on environment sustainity.

This museum is the biggest one found in this province preserving artefacts and various historical items of Lombok and Sumbawa. Nowadays it houses over one thousand of precious items and the many Royal belongings of Bima, Dompu, Sumbawa Besar, Selaparang of East Lombok, Pejanggik of Central Lombok, Cakranegara of West Lombok, Bayan and Sembalun of North Lombok. The collections also include 1239 manuscripts conveying the ancient history of the area, written on lontar (dried palm leaves), barks of tree, and bamboo in ancient native language. This museum is located on Jalan Panji Tilar Negara in Ampenan.

Sekarbela Village
is to Lombok what Celuk and Mas Village are to Bali. It is the centre of silver and goldsmith of Lombok. Nowadays, as this island is getting more popular with its pearl productions, hence the village is better known as the pearl centre. People can easily buy pearl jewelleries in silver or gold bounding; plenty of jewellery-shops line the main roadsides of this village. It is located at some two kilometres from Mataram to the South.

This village is one of the handicrafts centres of
Lombok. Many kinds of Lombok handicrafts are produced in this village, such as the various items of woodcarvings, boxes of plaited elephant-grass, woods, bamboos and barks of trees. Antique souvenirs also can be found, such as old Lombok keris-daggers, antique weavings of various origins, porcelains etc. Visitors can easily shop and buy those things at the many souvenir-shops and handicrafts-centres of this village. It is located at some two kilometres from Cakranegara to the North.

This beach is very popular in Lombok, besides it is the best beach found on this island. The local Sasak legend said that one beautiful Princess named Putri Mandalika (Princess Mandalika) had found her tragic faith here. She was so perfect and the kind of loveable woman by all of her people. There were some Princes deeply felt in love to her and all insisted on marrying her. She was so confused, but then The Almighty God gave her a solution for which she obeyed in her devotion and for her love to all of her people. Shortly it is said she was transformed into sea-worms of the local language is called 'Nyale'. One annual ceremony is held here on Kuta Beach, and this become inseparable tradition of the local Sasak people. To remind on her, some locals named the beach as Putri Mandalika Beach. Some hotels and bungalows now are available in Kuta Beach. It is about 60 kilometres from Mataram to the South.

Pottery is the speciality of these villages. In the old time of
Lombok most of the daily utensils were provided by nature combining with a simple process of creation. The clay soil was transformed into kitchenwares, and any sort of construction of facility necessary to support the watering systems for town and field. The people of the villages have created the pottery for many years and most seem to possess natural talent as well as the motivation to keep the tradition of pottery making alive.
It is worth witnessing these creations and mingling with the people will offer many enjoyable moments. While little kids are forming strange figures and their parents are spending their farm-off-time on simple looms, are the best moments for watching people at work along with the process, constantly in progress of teaching skills to the young.

There are lots of woodcraft centres in Lombok, but it's apparent that Labuapi village has the biggest productivity. The village itself has approximately 42 units of industry centre and accommodate 350 workers with product capacity of 24.900 pieces annually. There are various items produced here. Wood-masks, seashell decorated boxes, indigenous Lombok statues, wood-plates, and the many kinds of wall decoration of wood etc. The interestsants may include the visit to this village in half-day or full-day sightseeing.

One might wonder that Indonesia's weaving art form is so various and distinctively from island to island, and even from village to village. The Lombok traditional weaving at Sukarara Village will impress you with its beautiful motives and designs. Glance at very young girls cleverly playing the threads and the wooden looms, creating patterns using figures of the moon, flowers, dragons, etc.
The tradition amongst the local Sasaks is that weaving is considered an essential talent that a woman should possess as much as the ability to grow and process rice, however, the local Sasak men are as much the weaver as the women.

Pujut, Rambitan and Sade Village are the most interesting Sasak traditional villages where most of the inhabitants practise and maintain their traditional and cultural values. The Sasak villages exist mostly on sloping hills, with the people living on farm produce and the rising of cattle. Rice and corn, their annual crops, can be cultivated only during the rainy season, with most families keeping animals such as chicken, goats, cows and buffaloes for the food the offer during the summer season.
Sasak villages are distinctively marked by grass-roofed-houses symmetrically constructed on wood frames and most with bamboo-walls. Bale is the construction for a living house, built with a single room functioning both as a sleeping room and kitchen. Lumbung is a curve-like construction functions as a rice store. Most Sasak houses are built with a lumbung and some also include sekepat or sekenem, construction which functions as guest reception or meeting place.
Pujut, Rambitan and
Sade Villages are located in the southern part of Lombok, some sixty kilometres from Mataram.

These villages are situated in central and east Lombok, and both are featuring craftsmanship of a high standard. The rattan handicraft of Beleka Village and bamboo handicraft of Loyok Village offer quality and artistic design. Woodcarvings are also available in Beleka Village. The interestsants may have a wander through these villages in a full-day handicrafts tour.

These mountain resorts are situated in
East Lombok featuring greenery and breathtaking views. Tetebatu provides walking paths through sawah (paddy field) and ladang (dry field) heading to preserved forest where communities of black-monkeys and rare species of birds can be seen. The art performance at Loanggali will impress you throughout the whole set of traditional dances acted by the locals. Timbenuh highland offers a vantage point from which half of Lombok with its panoramic views can be observed, and also the scenic spectacles, which extend across the Alas Strait to Sumbawa Island.
On the way to Lemor you will pass the grave of Rajah Selaparang the King of the first
Moslem Kingdom of Lombok and that one of his daughter Princes Dewi Anjani, the Empress of all refined creatures inhabiting Mt. Rinjani, Lemor then awaits your discovery.

It is an isolated village, situated at more than a hundred kilometres to the north of Mataram, located in the middle high-land, surrounded by mountains, with the towering
peak of Rinjani Volcano offering an endless beauty in the background. The village stands still, on its own, complete with its unchanged traditions performed in every aspect of daily life.
To become one of the gateways to
climb Mt. Rinjani, this village provides mountain climbers some simple home-stays, porters and tourist information centre.

Having been made the base for trekking to
Segara Anak Lake, Bayan Village is more popular than its neighbouring village, Sembalun. However, within the District Bayan some interesting objects can be found here and are still little known due to less publicity. Mesjid Bayan the 16th century old Moslem Mosque which is protected and preserved as part of the cultural heritage of Sasak people, Sendanggila Waterfall which is said to be connected to the crater lake of Rinjani Volcano, and Senaru Traditional Sasak Village the last village passed before ascending the Rinjani Mountain, all those are featuring unspoilt uniqueness.

The majestic pinnacle of
Mt. Rinjani dominates the panoramas of Lombok. This island's highest peak (3726 metres) is seen from anywhere in Lombok. Some consider that Rinjani Mountain is sacred place; therefore it is common to observe the ritual practices made by the people on the lakesides or at certain places around the Crater Lake. This magnificent mountain has become the highlights of Lombok tourism and long has attracted visitors or climbers from both Indonesian and international tourists. Nowadays various facilities have been created to ease the climbers in accessing the volcano. Trekking tour guide and mountain porters have been provided with sufficient skills and knowledge's through training programs held by local government and some affiliated NGOs. There are two-access points to trek this mountain, ones may take Sembalun for the best access in ascending the mountain peak, and others may take Senaru access point to catch for Segara Anak Crater Lake. And ideal duration for this trekking tour is three days and two nights for Senaru - Base Camp III - Segara Anak Crater Lake return, and four days three nights for Sembalun - the Summit - Segara Anak Crater Lake - then return via Senaru Village.

Tanjung Luar Village
is well known for its quality fresh fish and it supplies the fish consumption of mostly the entire area of Lombok, consequently it is named the largest fishing village on the island. Fishing enthusiasts are recommended to fish here for the best catches. Barracuda, big tuna, stingray, sharks are favourite sea dwellers to be found off the coast. Just at near-by Tanjung Luar, a large traditional salt-farm with piles of crystals, and the farmer's simple kilns for further process, are observable during the drive to the village.

Trace-The-Past (Japanese Memorial Objects)
The island of
Lombok is also preserving memorial objects in form of the Second World War ruins. Although most people will not spend most time for a moaning ceremony, but some would trace back what the-left-of-the-past. There are number of places spread-apart secluding the island, at Gili Terawangan, at Bangko-Bangko, at Tanjung Ringgit, at Lembah Sempaga, at Gunung Sari and many others which were hidden along with the history gone-by. Due to the distance, which extend in between each memorial object, at least two or three days tour is required to cover all of the destinations.

The most of
Lombok south coasts offer the surf-seekers challenging waves of various grades. We have spotted out four surf-points, which are highly recommended for our surf lovers. Within the Lombok Kuta Beach we reserve two points, namely Gerupuk that provides neutral waves, and Aik Guling provided mostly for the left-handed. Several kilometres to the West of Kuta Beach we have found Pengantap desert point that provides various grades of attractions, but it is ideal only during the periods of June, July, August, December and January. Our next attraction is at Ekas Beach that reserves challenging waves and reef-break-point, reachable by boat or by land from Kuta Beach in approximately one and half hour cruise.

An international standard river rafting now has taken place on over 8 kilometres long of Segara River, near Gondang, North of Lombok. A well-experienced rafting operator known as Lombok Inter Rafting operates this new attraction in Lombok, and it has made years of studies towards the establishment. The rafting location, the Segara River, is set amidst the tropical greenery of rain forest secluded by dense woods and ridges. The trip to the start point is also no less attractive as it passes through heartbreaking trails into woods and valleys. All rafting facilities of international standards are provided, including life insurance.

There are two 18-hole golf courses have been developed in Lombok. Namely Rinjani Golf Country Club, which is located in Peresak Village, near Narmada, 30 minutes drive from Mataram or 45 minutes from Senggigi; and Lombok Golf Kosaido Country Club, which is located in Sire Beach, approximately 45 minutes drive from Senggigi or Mataram. Both courses offer international standard services, complete with golf club and restaurants. You can just come and play, compete with your friends for joys and funs, or exercise your skills by challenging the course's obstacles for your future championship.

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